もつ鍋もつ焼き 天火 名古屋栄店はなれ 

モツナベモツヤキ テンビ ナゴヤサカエテンハナレ

  • Address
    愛知県名古屋市中区栄3丁目7-102 2F
  • Access
    From Exit 7 of the Sakae Underground Crystal Square, head south (towards Yabacho) at the first intersection (au shop), turn right 50m ahead, and our sign is on the left (before Yutaka Securities).
  • Phone number
  • Business hours
    Monday - Saturday and Sunday, holiday, the day before the holiday: 17: 00 - 0:00 (cooking LO 23: 00 drink LO 23: 30)
  • Regular holiday